Men Like Breast, Why?
Often seen as the quintessential embodiment of female sexuality, breasts have honestly fascinated men for a long time. This is not just the known act of boob stare but even the biology behind the formation and breast feeding of babies. It is not strange to catch a man staring at a woman breastfeeding her baby. Neither is it surprising to catch a man take long look on a photo where a good chunk of the magical organs is visible. There is a scientific view generated by one Larry Young. But there is also the blunt reasons we find breasts irresistible.
Larry Young, a professor of psychiatry at Emory University who studies the neurological basis of complex social behaviors, thinks human evolution has harnessed an ancient neural circuit that originally evolved to strengthen the mother-infant bond during breast-feeding, and now uses this brain circuitry to strengthen the bond between couples as well. The result is that men, like babies, love breast.
When a woman’s nipples are stimulated during breast-feeding, the neurochemical oxytocin, otherwise known as the “love drug,” floods her brain, helping to focus her attention and affection on her baby. But research over the past few years has shown that in humans, this circuitry isn’t reserved for exclusive use by infants. Young states from this point of view that when a sexual partner touches, massages or nibbles a woman’s breast it triggers the release of oxytocin in the woman’s brain, just like what happens when she nurses a baby. From this perspective the oxytocin is helping the woman to focus het attention on her sexual partner and strengthening her desire to bond with this person.
Well, after going through Young’s assertions, I tend to think that his is a question of the bond that exists between a man and a woman after the former has been exposed to breasts (forgive my choice of words). There exist some unrealistic, blunt yet fascinating reasons why we love and adore breasts but women find quite insulting. I need to apologize to ladies early enough that I don’t mean any kind of disrespect. In any case, you will find this, how do I say, flattering. I will try and make this short:
Women know that men find the cleavage stimulating. Low cut tops showing a little of what is on her chest raises a man’s curiosity. The good news is that without breasts, there would be no cleavage. That makes breasts a man’s best friend. Breasts are just amazing to look at. Men will always take a peek every chance they get.
Comfort. This may sound cocky but trust you me ladies, men believe that breasts are comforting especially if they can just get a chance to lay their heads on them. Their very appearance indicates a level of comfort for a man. Someone once came up with a research and concluded that men who stare at the breasts for at least 15 minutes a day live longer and healthier. I don’t know about that.
Men are infatuated by the breasts since it is a common belief, actually Young says it is true, that breasts are the closest to making a woman sexually aroused. No wonder women complain of men who are more interested on their breasts than any other part of the body. They play an active role during foreplay. In fact, apart from breasts, there’s nothing else in a woman a man can play. Sorry ladies.
Men are visual creatures. Ladies already know this. The first things that will make a man realize he’s looking at a woman are the breasts. The more visible they are the higher the degree of attraction a man will be. Their attention will be captured and with it, visually stimulated.
To men, nothing is as mysterious in a woman’s body as the breasts. This mystery starts boggling men at a very tender age. It disturbs them what lies beneath a woman’s clothing on her chest. Coupled with the amazing smooth texture of the breasts compared to their appearance, the experience is forever stored.
Being straight and hard is considered a sign of masculinity. This is the one reason a woman with bigger hips attracts many glances especially from men. Men associate curves to feminism and an epitome of womanhood. Breasts have the best curves to satisfy this convention thus raises our interests. In addition, breasts add an amazing poise and grace to women that men adore.
Finally, breasts represent fertility in women. I know this sounds ludicrous but men associate breasts with a healthy, fertile woman who can bear and nourish children satisfactorily. Although we always appear like we are disinterested in starting a family with you, ladies be warned, men sample your ability to have and sustain a family the moment you meet.
Ladies, you may also need to know that men have varied preference based on size and appearance. Whatever our preference, we adore breasts.
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